Brazilian Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese

Brazilian Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese

Celpe-Bras is the Certificate of Proficiency in Brazilian Portuguese, developed by the Ministry of Education of Brazil and applied in Brazil and other countries. The Celpe-Bras is the only certificate of proficiency in Portuguese as a foreign language officially recognized by the Brazilian government. Internationally, it is accepted for businesses and educational institutions as proof of competence in the Portuguese language.

In Brazil, it is required by universities for admission in undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as validation of diplomas of foreign professionals wishing to work in the country.

The exam has a communicative nature. This means that it doesn’t aim to measure knowledge about the language through questions on grammar and vocabulary, but by the ability to use that language itself.

The applicant’s competence is therefore evaluated for their performance on tasks that resemble situations that may occur in real life. So, learning about the culture and the Brazilian way of life are essential to succeed in the exam.