tongue twisters brazilian portuguese language

The Most Challenging Tongue Twisters in Portuguese



Now we are going to practice the consonant sounds with tongue twisters or, as we say in Portuguese, trava-línguas!

1 – O rato roeu a roupa do Rei de Roma.

The rat gnawed the clothes of the King of Rome.

2 – Três pratos de trigo para três tigres tristes.

Three wheat dishes for three sad tigers.

3 – Sobre aquela serra há uma arara loura. A arara loura falará? Fala, arara loura!

There’s a blond macaw on that mountain ridge. Will the blonde macaw speak? Speak, blond macaw!

4 – Susan sujou o chão com salsicha e chope.

Susan dirtied the floor with sausage and draft beer

5 – Na mala do palhaço há um baralho lilás e velhas velas vermelhas.

There are a lilac deck and old red candles In the clown’s suitcase.

6 – Um carro caro correu pelas ruas do Rio de Janeiro.

An expensive car runs through the streets of Rio de Janeiro.

7 – Jorge quer queijo com chá salsicha e soja.

Jorge wants cheese with tea, sausage and soy.